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Berger Singularity
GoF2 Berger Singularity
Berger Singularity



Tech Level




Known Price Range (Android)

->241,674$ (Talidor)
->->289,312$ (Pan)

Known Price Range (iOS)

->199,657$ (Mido)
->223,249$ (Suteo)

The Berger Singularity is a very unique cargo compressor, able to increase a ship's available cargo space. It is the only compressor that has to be bought from Kaamo Club to be obtained.

In-Game Description[]

After the release of the Rhoda Blackhole, the Berger company, determined not to be outdone, employed a group of specialists to modify the existing blueprints, stolen from the Rhoda laboratories by an unnamed individual. The modifications were applied in a state of the art workshop and increase the effectiveness twofold as well removing the risk that some items may be irretrievable, however, this also inflated the price massively.


By sending cargo to an unknown dimension through a singularity, this invention of Berger can practically clear an entire cargo bay so that more items can be put in it. In practice, this means that it adds 200% of a ship's base cargo space to its total. For example, if a ship comes with 100t of space, the addition of a Berger Singularity increases it to 300t. The effects of compressors are additive: two increase it to 500t, three to 700t, and so on. If and when a pilot is able to buy a few Berger Singularities, never again will the likes of the Rhoda Blackhole be used because its effect is incredibly practical. Stacking the 200% compression magnitude of the Singularity can turn combat-centred ships like the VoidX into feasible trade ships, while trade-centred ships like the Cormorant can become massive freight ships. The Space Saver Pro medal can be easily achieved with a handful of Berger Singularities in a Rhino. A good idea would be to farm about 10-12 of these things from Jakk Zoboon and then keep them handy on your ship or Kaamo. Depending on the ship you are flying, you can use them as you see fit, and are a great way to fill up spare equipment slots.


  • Technically, since it forms a stable singularity and the goods are sent to another dimension, the goods should not be present in the ship's cargo bay at all since they are in another dimension. But still the more goods we pile the more difficult it becomes to steer the ship. (only extreme difficulty)
  • This can only be acquired in the Diplomatic Relations add-on
    • It can only be bought from Jakk Zoboon in the Kaamo Club