Deep Science is a Terran organization dedicated to study and research concerning the Voids. After the Valkyrie update it is revealed that Deep Science is researching and producing ships with integrated Khador Drives. Its headquarters is located in the orbit of Kothar, in the Beidan System.
Deep Science's primary scientist and leader is assumed to be Carla Paolini; she becomes the love interest of Keith T. Maxwell.
Deep Science holds these stations as research bases:
Notable Members[]
- Carla Paolini - Presumed leader of Deep Science, Love interest of Keith T. Maxwell.
- Khador - Creator of the Khador Drive. Captured by the Valkyrie crew but rescued by Maxwell. Also made the bomb that unintentionally made the Supernova in the Ginoya system grow bigger.
- Keith T. Maxwell - Mercenary hired by Deep Science. Stopped the destruction of Kothar Station at the hands of the Valkyrie Station. Saved the Mido Sector from destruction by a supernova and killed the Black Guard leader,Trunt Harval.
- Thomas Boyle - One of the researchers at Deep Science. Captured by pirates but rescued by Maxwell.
- Netor - Creator of the Disruptor Laser and friend of Khador.
- Dr. Thadellonius Moonsprocket - Discovered plans for the plasma array, which helped containing the Midorian Supernova catastophe.
- Brillo Lampeter - Moonsprocket's psychiatrist (and presumed sidekick)
These ships are added in the Valkyrie-add on, and are purchaseable after one has finished the storyline. They come with an intergrated Khador Drive. So you can sell your old one after you get a good Deep science ship like the Nemesis.