"Excuse me, it's my page." This article, Diplomatic Relations, cannot be edited without the permission of the author . Please do not edit their fan fiction without their permission. Thank you! |
Quick Introduction
This add-on adds a lot more ships, playable capital ships, many new systems, golden plasma, a new minigame - "Plasma Skimming", and much much more!
<tabber> Introduction=
Before we begin...
Please read everything in this section for the disclaimer, links, and the prologue. Thank you.
This is a work of fan fiction. I do not own any of the objects associated with Fishlabs or any other company. This does not reflect my opinion nor anyone else's opinion on how the story should go. This is simply made for fun.
The credit for everything above and below this section on this introduction page goes to XenoDarth as I got the idea of doing an introduction page off him and I used some of his source code, so here is a shout out to XenoDarth. Visit his page and give him a comment on his blog! :)
Everyone knows that Keith T. Maxwell saved the galaxy from the Voids, Deep Science from Alice, and the Midorians from a supernova and a tyrannical Nivelian leader. But, when Carla sends Keith to void space to mine some void crystals for Deep Science and test out the Mammoth, there is not a single Void in sight - what happens next?...
|-|New Characters=
New Characters | Faction | Other Notes |
Relnor | Most Wanted | Ship: Spectre Species: Grey Faction: Black Guard |
Lerson Geléneh | Most Wanted | Ship: Xitan Species: Nivelian Faction: Black Guard |
James "Jimmy" Bordan | Most Wanted: Nivelian | Ship: Hygiea Species: Terran Faction: Midorian |
|-| New Ships=
New Ships | Faction | Other Notes & Location |
H'Soc Ultra | Kaamo | Shima @ Kaamo from Umnar Zoboon |
Xitan | Most Wanted Board (Fan) / Most Wanted | Loma @ Quineros |
Spectre | Most Wanted Board (Fan) / Most Wanted | Loma @ Quineros |
Me'Kaant | Vossk | Ka'Laank @ O'Rssk |
Vossk K'Sarr Freighter | Vossk | Vossk Space |
Vossk Battleship | Vossk | Y'Mirr, Wahnorr, Ka'Laank |
Vossk Heavy Carrier | Vossk | Y'Mirr, Wahnorr, Ka'Laank |
Vossk Light Carrier | Vossk | Vossk Space |
Mammoth | Terran | Terran Space (High chance at Thynome and Kothar) |
Terran Carrier | Terran | Aquila, Pan, Augmenta |
Terran Freighter | Terran | Terran Space |
Terran Cruiser | Terran | Aquila, Pan, Augmenta |
VoidY | Void | Qluyblehn-Voekkemtue@Wuev'erb |
VoidZ | Void | Qluyblehn-Voekkemtue@Wuev'erb |
Void Freighter | Void | |
Void Battlecarrier | Void | |
Nguyen | Midorian | Talidor, Mido, Eanya |
Hygiea | Midorian | Midantha @ Talidor |
Midorian Freighter | Midorian | Midorian Space |
Aegir Prime | Nivelian | Shima @ Kaamo from Umnar Zoboon |
Atauno Rheep | Nivelian | Suteo, Nesla |
Nivelian Freighter | Nivelian | Nivelian Space |
Nivelian Battleship | Nivelian | Suteo, Nesla, Katashán |
Vulture Fighter | Terra's Children | |
Hyena Bomber | Terra's Children | |
Lucrehulk-Class Carrier | Terra's Chilren |
|-|New Turrets=
New Turrets | Type | Faction | Other Notes |
L'Issk | Turret | Vossk | Semi-Automatic |
Vixen | Turret | Midorian | Manual |
Keléhn | Turret | Nivelian | Manual |
Picador TS | Turret | Terran | Automatic |
|-|New Primary Weapons=
New Primary Weapons | Type | Other Notes |
M7A1 "Vampire" | Transfusion Laser | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
M6A5 "Raven" | Beam Laser | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
Antimatter Laser | Laser | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
Skofnung Blaster | Blaster | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
NovaFire o100 | Thermo | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Mass Driver MDX-14 | Autocannon | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
Berger FlaK 54-9A | Scattergun | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Disruptor Laser Mk. II | Laser | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Orbis EMP Mk. IV | EMP Blaster | Blueprint purchased off of Dr. Gum'Skratch on Okana station for $79,999 after purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on. He seems to sell you an old datastick with the blueprints on it and you have to take it to Moonsprocket at the Maissa station, in Pescal Inartu. |
M5A1 "Spark" | EMP Continuous Beam Laser | Can be found in station hangars |
M5A2 "Volt" | EMP Continuous Beam Laser | Can be found in station hangars |
M5A3 "Taser" | EMP Continuous Beam Laser | Blueprint from [not finished] |
M5A4 "Platypus | EMP Continuous Beam Laser | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
M5A5 "Komodo" | EMP Continuous Beam Laser | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
|-|New Secondary Weapons=
New Secondary Weapons | Type | Other Notes |
Tangaroa | Flare | Can be found in station hangars |
Makeatutara | Flare | Can be found in station hangars |
Uenuku | Flare | Can be found in station hangars |
Garuda-VII | Cluster Missile | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
La'Srrk | Sentry Gun | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
"Shinigami" HEFA-MDD | Nuke | Can be purchased off of Narcompannor in various space lounges. |
AMR Eliminator | Cluster Bomb | Can be found in station hangars |
AMR Pacifier | Cluster Bomb | Can be found in station hangars |
Annihilator | Cluster Bomb | Blueprint can be bought from Nabel Assk on the O'Rssk station in the Ka'Laank system |
S3A1 "Tracker" | Proximity Mine | Can be found in station hangars |
Cobra EMP | Missile | Blueprint can be bought from Yror on Damarque I station in Augmenta |
Fire-Bkkts | Nuke | Blueprint given to you by Mkkt Bkkt in exchange for 50 Fireworks and 50 Buskat. It is a fireworks missile that blows up and has purple explosions and Mkkt Bkkt's face in the heart |
|-|New Equipment=
New Equipment | Type | Other Notes |
Nirai SPP-M200 | Transfusion Repair Beam | Blueprint After killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
Rhoda Guardian | Cargo Suppression Device | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Telta Scotus Mk. I | Radar Jammer | Can be found in station hangars |
Telta Erebus Mk. II | Radar Jammer | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Berger Singularity | Cargo Compression | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Void Hyperdrive System | Jump Drive | Blueprint - Found in pair of destroyed pirate outposts orbiting Er'Kkt, in Ka'Laank, with lots of Vossk organs, Octopod tentacles, T'yool, and Void organs as well as blueprints for Void Hyperdrive System. You hack both for the blueprint as it is always in the second one. |
Thermal Shield | Shield | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
E8 F-X Tortoise | Armour | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
Hiroto Deluxescan | Scanner | Blueprint obtained after killing Relnor and Lerson Geléneh |
Signature: Void | Signature | Can be found in station hangars |
Rhoda Paean Mk. II | Repair Bot | |
Electro-Pacifier | EMP Shield | Can be found in station hangars |
Electro-Defender | EMP Shield | Can be found in station hangars |
Plasma Skimmer | Can be found in station hangars | |
Plasma Skimmer | Blueprint can be purchased off of Gendol Ethor on Himo station in Weymire system. | |
AB-5 "Sundew" | Tractor Beam | Kaamo Club from Jakk Zoboon After purchasing Diplomatic Relations add-on |
The shipyard is located near the asteroid field in orbit of O'Rssk, in the Ka'Laank system. It has the appearance of a large Nivelian station with lots of hangars and a metal extractor on one side.
When you dock at the Shipyard, it will be the interior of a Nivelian station. There will be a hangar, but the space lounge will be replaced by the workshop. In the workshop, there are three slots for custom ships. You can click on one and it will have the option to "Delete", "Edit", or "Create" a ship. In the ship editor, you can choose the model of ship, and then edit the statistics. The maximum amount of primary weapons is 5, secondary weapons is 5, turrets is 1, armour is 1400, manoeuvrability is 180, cargo is 1500, and equipment is 20. If all of the statistics are as high as possible, the ship will cost $200,000,000. Only ships that have a turret slot on the model can have a turret. You can have up to three saved ships at a time and they can be bought out of the hangar of the shipyard. The shipyard hangar is likely to have rare ships, equipment, weapons, and other items; occasionally, Kaamo ships and reward ships will appear (they have to already have been unlocked and purchased beforehand to appear in the shop. If a ship has 5 primary weapons it can only have 4 secondary weapons, and vice versa
- Some of the credit goes to Narcompannor as they helped me with this idea.
- This is only available with the Diplomatic Relations add-on.
|-|Plasma Skimming=