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Name: James "Jimmy" Bordan
Bounty: $500,000
Ship: Hygiea
Race: Terran
Description: From the day he was born on Sao Laros, James "Jimmy" Bordan was a natural troublemaker. He started off his criminal career with petty theft in Sao Laros' capital city. However, as he grew older, he soon realised he would have to expand his horizons and accumulated enough profits to buy a workshop on Sao Laros station, and acquire the rights of a small C-class asteroid in Laros' asteroid belt. He then converted this asteroid into a dangerous spaceship that he could use to hide in asteroid fields in plain site. Many a time, he would have to dispose of a miner who had gotten too close to comfort. Not liking the fact that he had to often kill fellow Midorians, he eventually resorted to raiding of shipments in the Nesla system. As a result of these dangerous and fatal events, Nivelian authorities have placed a hefty bounty upon his head, to restore peace and prosperity to the conflicted Nesla system once more...