Hello, <Your Name>! Do you want to create your own page about the Most Wanted? You are here! Add what you want (adbut Most Wanteds). Please, do not delete real Most Wanted and Most Wanted, created by other contributors. Pictures are always welcome. When create a Very Dangerous Person, add the description about he, please.
Most Wanted Board (Real)[]
Terran | Vossk | Nivelian | Midorian |
Pal Tyyrt | Mrrkt Nimkk | Borsul Tarand | Toma Prakupy |
Kehnor | Alvar Julen | Vilhelm Lindon | Nombur Telénah |
Gendol Ethor | Vortt Baskk | Tamir Prakupy | Bartholomeu Drew |
Korr Bekkt | Oluchi Erland | Merson Surr | Doni Trillyx |
Hongar Meton | Orp Tsam | Ganfor Kant | Mashon Redal |
Trent Jameson | Urr Sakant | Malon Sentendar | Heinrich Wickel |
Qyrr Myfft |
Most Wanted Board (Fan)[]
Add your ideas here!
Terran | Vossk | Nivelian | Midorian |
Mario Druas
Bounty - 150,000$ Ship - Arcturus Race - Terran |
Shyyn Frras
Bounty - 170,000$ Ship - Red Rocket Race - Vossk |
Mekant Yennot
Bounty - 100,000$ Ship - Cross RS Race - Vossk |
Matteo Suqqum Bounty - None
Ship - Badger Lightspeed Race - Nivelian |
Leonid | Multipod | Bobolian | Grey |
The Ash
Bounty - 1,500,000 Ship - Unknown (This ship is black and has the future-design) Race - Unknown |
Shht Ya Dastt
Bounty - 80,000 Ship - Rashh'tt Race - Multipod |
Very Dangerous People! (they are Most Wanted in each faction) |
Bounty - 1,500,000 Ship - Blade of The Tanu (purple Bloodstar with more armor and weapons) Race - Ceti Description - Qasith is the very dangerous criminal and all in this universe afraid for him. Some of his most famous crimes: Destroying the Ka'Mram planet, killing the vice-president of Terran Federation, mass abductions of children and selling their organs, using nuclear weapons near cities on Epigome and Arpalys... He has the dangerous purple ship. |
Bounty - 1,700,000 Ship - Vol Nayr Race - Grey Description: Narnor is the Grey, master of hypnosis, who maked Trot Lykkt steal the Distruptor Laser and many other people to suicide. He studied in the best Grey university with Netor. But when he was expelled, he became the pirate and wanted to revenge. Now he strikes fear in every human and alien in this sector. But the worst is his ability to create some deadly weapons and hypnotize. |
Name: Relnor
Bounty: 2,000,000 Ship: Spectre (Modified Specter with more armour, a turret, and 2 more secondary weapon slots) Race: Grey Description: Relnor was the mastermind behind the Specter and Trunt Harval's personal ship designer. He was a colleague of Khador before developing a degenerative brain condition that causes susceptibility to suggestion but extremely heightened neuron growth, leading to very high intelligence. Therefore, he was easily convinced that the Midorian faction must be eliminated when he encountered Lerson Geléneh, one of Trunt Harval's must trusted operative in the Plural Z space lounge. He is wanted for collaboration with an xenophobic extremist and targeted extermination of countless Midorians in an extremely dangerous, modified version of the Specter. He now travels with Lerson Geléneh, and his most recent activities involve destroying crucial shipments to the Ginoya system and the theft of highly advanced weapon blueprints from the highly successful weapons dealer Jakk Zoboon.
Name: Lerson Geléneh
Bounty: 2,000,000 Ship: Xitan (Modified Dark Angel [Xitan means Demon in Maltese] with more armour, equipment, and secondary weapons, but less cargo and slightly more manoeuvrability) Race: Nivelian Description: One of Trunt Harval's most trusted agents who was involved since the beginning of Trunt Harval's campaign. Lerson Geléneh was placed under cover into the now bankrupt Davilon Corporation to try and gain intel on ship development to aid production of the Specter. When the Davilon Corporation went bust, he stole a prototype of the new ship to succeed the Dark Angel, the Xitan, and heavily modified it. He then went on to recruiting extremists for Harval and encountered the highly intelligent Grey, Relnor, whom he recruited to the anti-Midorian campaign. He is wanted for theft, extremism, xenophobic behaviour, and murder by all factions. He currently travels with Relnor, and his most recent activities involve destroying crucial shipments to the Ginoya system and the theft of highly advanced weapon blueprints from the highly successful weapons dealer Jakk Zoboon.
Name: Frekados Qotar
Bounty: 2,000,000 Ship: Qetar Race: Terran Description: Born in the Vossk empire, Frekados decided to stay there and to work his way up to be at the side of the emperor. His first recorded crime, was stealing 3 tons of Buskat from the Ma'rrkka stations hangar. When his parents were about to turn him in their dissappointment, he killed them, comandeered their ship, and flew all the way to the Wah'norr system. From there, he joined the Vossk military, and stood out, not only because he was Terran, but also because he managed to climb through the ranks to become a renouned general, after only 23 years. He had many meetings with the emperor, and after 3 years of service after his promotion to general, he attempted to murder the emperor. His attempt however, was thwarted after a bodyguard saved the emperor after taking the full blast of an M6 A4 "Raccoon". Qotar then fled to the Terran system of Augmenta, and created a new life full of crime. His most famous crimes include his assassination attempt on the emperor of the Vossk empire, a hostage situation in which he demanded, and recieved 200 million credits after he took over, and threatened to destroy, the entire Carme station, and when he stole a Teneta R.E.D and a Berger Cross Special from Umnar Zoboon to create a Teneta R.E.D-BCS Hybrid, called the Qetar. By Narcompannor |
Name: Krggmzztpan
Bounty: 1,950,000 Ship: Khengax UV Race: Void Description: This void became known as a criminal against the initially only the voids themselves, but after the transition into Vomunikesyan, the unknown menace targeted mostly the 3 surrounding factions. After consulting Void diplomats, he became known by the name of Krggmzztpan, the spelling was made by the Vossk empire after hearing the gutteral pronunciation of the name in void speech. His known crimes include multiple killing sprees in the Vulpes and Ka'laank systems, nuking a Terran cruiser, and Skirmishing against Kaldner in which a there were 516 civilian and 72 security force casualties caught in the crossfire. Though classified a most wanted criminal for immediate Death-Row, Krggmzztpan has done a few good deeds, including attacking the anti-void terrorist group know as Terra's Children, and making a wormhole in the Vomunikesyan permanent for easy and permanent access between void space and their system. By Narcompannor |
Name: Kaldnor
Bounty: 2,050,000 Ship: Kaldernor Race: Grey Description: Kaldnor is a member of the anti-void terrorist group known as 'Terra's Children' and is one of the few non-terran members. Before Maxwell stopped the void threat, Kaldner's parents were brutally murdered by the void attacks, and Kaldner vowed to have his revenge. Prior to all this however, Kaldner had been a well known criminal through out the galaxy, without clear motives, killing many people just for the sake of it, and stealling thousands of tons of precious commodities. He contracted an unknown company to create his ship, the Kaldernar when he began to kill people, but has seen no use for it until his extreme actions as a member in his involvement with 'Terra's Children'. His most recent criminal act, other than being a memebr of the organisation, was his skirmish against Krggmzztpan, killing 516 civilians, and 72 members of the local security forces. By Narcompannor |
Name: Orr'kanta Mel'ennkt
Bounty: 24,000,000 Ship: Z'zov Race: Vossk Description: Born with a mental disorder, Orr'kanta Mel'ennkt was shunned by even his parents from birth. This disorder limited his concentration, and caused him to be emotionlly unstable. As a child he was enviably smart, and bullied constantly by older, and more distinguished members of the society, and he had always dreamed of becoming a soldier. When he reached the eligible age, he was declined, due to his disorder, and this made the man bitter, so he decided to use what he had gathered during his mandatory education to begin a business. He created the largest shipping and trading company to exist for the last 5 milennia, but for him, this wasn't enough. He met with Tir Nakzeth and then sold his company, using his new fortune to buy a system, this System was called Loma, he controlled the entire economy of this place, and his friend Tir Nakzeth had his pirate crew enlarged, to create a large security force in the system. Now, this system operates entirley beyond the law of any faction, and has the largest growing economy worth more than the other 4 systems with the largest economies combined. This pirate crew depends on the funds coming from the Loma system, and it is believed that the entire economy at Loma would collapse without the expertise of Orr'kanta and his team. By Narcompannor |
Name: Tir Nakzeth
Bounty: 25,000,000 Ship: Nirk'Zoer Race: Terran Description: Tir Nakzeth was once a wonderful man, the Captain of the Battlecruiser Lamberte in the Terran Federal Fleet, until something happened. Noone knows why, but during a training run, he turned and ordered his men to attack the Trainee's frigate. They complied and destroyed the ship. Another battleship, accompanied by 2 experienced frigates entered orbit of the system, and began firing apon the Lamberte, they destroyed the battlecruiser, and it was thought that Nakzeth was dead, along with his crew members, until recently it was discovered that Tir Nakzeth and his entire crew, omitiing one member held the system Loma, using a large army of pirates to make sure everyone paid the fee for entrance to the system. Many a bounty hunter has attempted to kill this man, and all have failed, raising the bounty even higher. His family claimed not to have known of his survival, but were arrested anyway, until a group of pirates raided Magnetar system and took his family with them. By Narcompannor |
Bounty: Ship: Race: Description: |
Name: Keith.T.Maxwell
Bounty: Kaamo Station+30,000,000 Ship: Bloodstar Race: Terran Description: Controversy about this once great hero was first discovered during the recent political movement involving the arrest and trial of 103 Diplomats. Many of them testified having manipulated Keith.T.Maxwell's profile and erasing records of his random assault to local security guards. Shortly after, it was revealed that 87% of Maxwell's admirers who became his wingmen went missing. Through the restoration of records, Maxwell is accused of bribing station security officers, frequent assault on security guards, use of restricted, mass-destructive weaponry, and is responsible for the death of over 1000 citizens and the destruction of at least 20 Terran Battlecruisers. Further investigation even revealed that Maxwell has been in touch with the pirates in Loma system for a long time. Currently, the Terran military has impounded Kaamo Station, Maxwell's base of operation. Unfortunately, he travels with the help of a prototype space drive and cannot be traced. By EclairtleQAQ as part of the lore of the Alliance of Pirates. |
Bounty: Ship: Race: Description: |
The Pirate Alliance (All high ranking members of this faction are wanted by all four races) |
Name: Tazarntsaz Niqyuna
Rank: Leader Bounty: 32,000,000 Ship: ??? Race: Nivelian Description: Nobody ever saw Niqyuna as a wicked rouge--quite the opposite. Born and raised in Nivelian aristocracy, he was praised and recognized by his past acquaintances and supporters as a gentleman with profound charisma. He was always caring for others, even to his Terran servant Caleb Windmill, who grew up serving him since they were children. Soon enough he climbed to the top of Nivelian political field and competed for Chief Military Director at the young age of 32 with his friend, Trunt Harval. However, Harval betrayed their friendship, attempting to assassinate Niqyuna and accused him of secretly participating in pirate activities along with other crimes. Niqyuna's supporters were in a rage. As medias found out about Harval's failed assassination attempt and forgery of evidences to frame Niqyuna as a pirate, Harval was at the verge of losing everything. Just then, Niqyuna suddenly appeared at Katashan orbit with a band of pirates, declaring all of Trunt Harval's accusations to be true and the assassination attempt an effort to ensure Nivelian political security. He then proceeded to bomb Katashan station, killing 327 civilians along with two of Harval's trusted men. Soon after, he created the Loma blackmarket, and since his declaration as a pirate, the pirate activity in this sector has risen about 120%. Information about him was lost until very recently, when he revealed the existence of the Alliance of Pirates and his role as the leader. However, no faction can yet locate him, and most of his motives and goals remain a mystery. |
Name: Caleb Windmill
Rank: Chief Scientist and Engineer Bounty: 29,700,000 Ship: Nightingale Race: Terran Description: Caleb Windmill is no ordinary man. Born in the Nivelian society as a servant to a Nivelian nobleman Tazarntsaz Niqyuna, Windmill was raised in Nehebru as a complete slave. Yet somehow, he was able to break out of regulations and achieve great academic success through a combination of decent talent and dedicated effort. He was accepted to Valadon Academy as an exception despite his low status. In college, his refrained mannerism and profound knowledge earned the favor of the most recognized professors, and gained him the honorable invitation to work in Deep Science as a leading researcher at the age of 17. He was admired by many people for his story, and Terran Federation praised him as a brilliant example of escaping slavery and achieving ideals. Twelve years later, Tazarntsaz Niqyuna suddenly declared himself as a pirate. Caleb Windmill, having not been in touch with Niqyuna for more than a decade, suddenly murdered 7 scientists on that very day--one of the victims being his love interest, stole a massive amount of data, and then vanished from Deep-Science completely, destroying all evidences that could trace him. It was only 6 months ago when he was discovered to be working for the Alliance of Pirates, and is speculated to be developing an extremely dangerous prototype weapon. |
Name:Meto Morka
Bounty:5,000,000 Ship:Ghost Race:Nivelian (species)/Midorian (faction) Description: Born on a mining colony in the Eanya system, this Midorian learnt from a young age that no member of the Nivelian Republic is to be trusted. His beliefs were reinforced upon the happening of a Nivelian bombing raid, which killed his family. After stowing away on a Terran freighter, he hitchhiked his way through the most dangerous parts of space to Loma. For 10 years he fended for himself, before finally stealing enough finds to buy his first ship, a second-hand Azov. From their on, he began to commit raids in Nivelian territory, before being recruited by a member of the notorious Alliance of Pirates group. He now regularly attacks and terrifies Nivelian and Vossk citizens. |
Name: Mkk'last'ig Klann'ssta
Rank: Head of Mercantile Efforts Bounty: 24,000,000 Ship: Z'zov Race: Vossk Description: Born with a mental disorder, Mkk'last'ig Klann'ssta was shunned by even his parents from birth. This disorder limited his concentration, and caused him to be emotionlly unstable. As a child he was enviably smart, and bullied constantly by older, and more distinguished members of the society, and he had always dreamed of becoming a soldier. When he reached the eligible age, he was declined, due to his disorder, and this made the man bitter, so he decided to use what he had gathered during his mandatory education to begin a business. He soon had the largest mercantile empire ever created, but he was soon removed from the head of the company by the jealous vice president, and the board of directors. His removal led to the complete collapse of the company, which then tried to re-hire him. He refused, leaving the debt to those who sought to overthrow him, leavung, for Loma. At Loma, a well funcioning system, run by Pirate alliance leader Tazarntsaz Niqyuna, he joined the alliance, and soon became the Head of Mercantile Efforts, it is thought that without him, the income at Loma would drastically fall, and it's economy would all but collapse. By Narcompannor |
Rank: Bounty: Ship: Race: Description: |
If you want, you can add some description about your Most Wanted or close up. You can screen a person's close-up in Space Lounge, then cut this photo.