Galaxy on fire Fan Fiction Wiki

Octopod Republic is the faction in Galaxy on Fire. Its population is assumed to be mostly Octopod and Multipod

Station Design[]

Their stations are black, purple and yellow neon lights. Their stations looks similar to our "future ISS". For example: they have solar batteries, long and aren't high. They consist of cylinder partsand have som big "rings" with skylight in center where you can see botanical garden with green flora. Their stations always have detatched cylinder parts with 4 turrets and detatched parts of stations looks like the destroyed parts.

Their hangars are oblong with five detatched areas for docking. 


Their ships are brack and purple and they are most upright like Amboss. Ships have a cabin and a front glass like Midorians' ships and have engines at the top of ship. Their fleet:

  • Gulisso - ship that more maneuverable than scout. This is a Spear-class ship. It has a hulllike Midorian cabinand two big engins in the top of ship
  • Shizo - Multipod standart scout
  • Shizo F12 - very fans and upgraded version of Shizo. It is red.
  • Gremlin - secret project of Multipods. You need a blueprint for this ship.
  • Minotaur - a big Multipod Destroyer


Octopod Republic territory is in another part of galaxy so in the sector where GoF2 will pass is a few of octopods. Their leader is a tyrant Bsst Ya Drad and he has a huge army and nobody can overthrow him. He likes communism and puts behind bars people who are against him. He tells all in Octopod Republic that all around are our enemies and want to destroy us. Rumors are about his diamond chair and toilet! So some of Octopods go live to Terran Federation or Vossk Empire.


The Octopod Republic controls the following systems:

Near the GoF2 Sector:[]

  • Geminzo
  • Autrak

In their sector:[]

  • Hadzahom
  • Buyuli
  • Brilev
  • Handashox
  • Zhezter (Capital of Octopod Republic)
  • Nibisa
  • Crzeqqe