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Name: Relnor
Bounty: $2,000,000
Ship: Spectre (Modified Specter with more armour, a turret, and 2 more secondary weapon slots)
Race: Grey
Wanted by: All factions
Description: Relnor was the mastermind behind the Specter and Trunt Harval's personal ship designer. He was a colleague of Khador before developing a degenerative brain condition that causes susceptibility to suggestion but extremely heightened neuron growth, leading to very high intelligence. Therefore, he was easily convinced that the Midorian faction must be eliminated when he encountered Lerson Geléneh, one of Trunt Harval's must trusted operative in the Plural Z space lounge. He is wanted for collaboration with a xenophobic extremist and targeted extermination of countless Midorians in an extremely dangerous, modified version of the Specter. He now travels with Lerson Geléneh, and his most recent activities involve destroying crucial shipments to the Ginoya system and the theft of highly advanced weapon blueprints from the highly successful weapons dealer Jakk Zoboon.