Galaxy on fire Fan Fiction Wiki
Xxxxxx (?)
Xxxxxx (?)


Terran (?)







Primary Weapon


Secondary Weapon






Height (as human)


Real name(?)

?????? ????????

Xxxxxx (?) is a fan fiction character of unknown origin created by EclairtleQAQ as part of the lore of Bettie (?).


“......In the name of Lord, reveal her elegance, her beauty, her brilliance to this galaxy. The day our Princess descends unto the eyes of the public, the whole world shall kneel before her name—Xxxxxx.”

For the longest time, all attempts on intercepting the transmission of Apostles Congress have been failures. The technology used by the Congress were surprisingly advanced and secure for a religious terrorist group. Without the help of intercepted information, the military had no idea what the Congress was up to.

7 weeks after the appearance of the Congress, however, a Congress transmission with strangely minimal encryption was intercepted. It almost looked like the Congress intended to reveal the transmission. As the commanders were wondering if this was a trap to lure the military to intercept a non-existent operation, they were bewildered by the massage in it.

The transmission described something unlike an operation: take the Princess out to play. According to the transmission. The princess is a worshipped figure and appears as a young Terran female. The whole operation would serve no other purpose except “to please her highness, as the Princess herself demands”. In the end of the transmission, there were 6 letters changed into 6 Xs, which the military suspected to be the Princess’s name.

The current theory of the military considers this Princess as a propaganda figure, drawing connections between her and the ancient concepts of “Holy Virgin“ used by religions. Due to the harmless nature of the operation, the suspicion that this could be a trap, and humanitar considerations as whether the young Princess should be rescued from the terrorists, the military is considering whether or not they should sabotage the operation.